Lorrie and Scott are two young people (24 & 28) whom I met in the campground. They are from Colchester England outside of London. They left six months ago and have been on an around the world holiday and I was fortunate to have them camping across the street from me.
They rented an RV in Los Angeles and drove across country to see some of America. They will promise to be back as they want to do the middle part of America.

Cindy and I played putt-putt golf with them, Lisa and Chris (another couple I met in the cg and more on them later), Cindy and I went to Millikens for a day at the "beach" and bar and then we all played beer pong. We had campfires and to keep from having to buy wood, Scotty went scavenging. He picked up a heavy log and brought it back, I got out my saw and axe and away he went, stirring up mega carpenter ants. Also one night we all had a "barbie" and brought ribs, potato salad, deviled eggs, cornbread, tuna pasta and other treats. Lorrie and Scott had never had deviled eggs and cornbread and they loved them. Also, they had never had smores. Those of you who are regular readers know how I love smores and campfires and smores just seem to go together, right. So we all turned them on to different things.

I had a couple of things that needed to be done on top of
Somewhere and Scotty was more than helpful on getting up there and taking care of those. Sedona is not one to take up with too many people but she loved Lorrie and even got to the point she wouldn't bark when they came over. That is amazing in and of itself. Also, Scotty loved fishing and he used my kayak to take out to fish. He didn't catch anything but the water was just a little choppy.

I know this post has a lot of pictures but we did a lot of things while they were here. In fact after they met us they decided to stay another week. Those two really keep one young. There was a lot of activity. They are so responsible and have a good head on their shoulders. I have been blessed to have had them cross my path.
Millikens in Port Canaveral is a stunning place. Good bartender, Selina, and great grilled shrimp. If you are coming down to cruise, take the time to bop over here and enjoy Chester and his music and have a good time.

Ah, and the last day, bon voyage, dear new friends. When they pulled out today it was like watching my kids go away. Before they left we had to watch the sunrise and all met at their rig for hugs and goodbyes...