I couldn't wait to post. I made it yesterday going over Montery Mtn and Rockwood Mtn in the wind and rain. I had read on the Women RV forum about driving in high winds and how it's best to just pull over. Now I know what they mean. Whooeee! The rain was just sporadiac so it wasn't a big deal.
Etowah has had much rain and the ground was soft so Mark had me park in front of their detached garage. I believe it was a lot easier to get set up than being on the ground. I had to drive upon wood because there was a low spot and the jacks couldn't do the job by themselves.
Speaking of jacks. When I arrived the jacks wouldn't work. I thought maybe a piece of rubber had fallen off again so I opened up the mechanism and that wasn't it. Mark checked all the fuses and that wasn't it. Finally Mark saw an arc when I tried to work the leveling joy stick and there was a connection that had come loose. Thank goodnesss for Mark and his help. I told him, "you didn't take me to raise." He said, "everyone needs help every once in a while." He is such a terrific nephew in law.
After that we got the water hooked up. It took five hoses to run from Somewhere to the faucet. Thought it might freeze last night so I filled up the fresh water tank half way. Later in the night I turned on the water pump and it kept running. I thought well, maybe it's filling up the water heater. It didn't stop. Then I remember reading about if the water pump in running there is a leak somewhere. OMG, what was I going to do, it was about 10:00 pm. What did I do? turned off the water pump and went to bed about 1:30. Tomorrow is another day.
Slept like a baby after I got all the "stuff" put in it's place. I will be glad when I get full time. I don't like all this loading and unloading. Of course, Jonathan and Taylor will be here tonight so I needed to make as much space as possible. My knooks and crannies sure are filling up quickly. LOL
This morning I got up and hooked up the water and found that my outside shower had not been turned off all the way and that was why my water pump was running, whew, what a relief! The perils of running a house on wheels.
My dn, Deborah, has a yorkie named Chigger. He is 10 months old and if full of himself. When they met it was so funny. Sedona is two (14 teenager) and just didn't want to bother with him. They finally got to where they played and got to know each other. They are so funny to watch now.
Tonight, Christmas Eve, we will have about 52 + members of our family here for dinner and "dirty" santa. Mama and Daddy started the tradition years and years ago and we have kept it up. Everybody looks forward to it.
Skype is going to provide a surprise for Shirley & Doug. Their oldest son, Jimmy, and his family are in Corpus Christie TX with their son, dil and grand daughter. It's going to be like they are here.
Don't know if I'll get to post tomorrow but I'll catch you sometime.
I will be taking you on a journey with me during my retirement. Going from a stick house to an RV and will be on my way to who knows where. You will read fun, fear, confusion. You will see what I see. I am new to writing. Don't get discouraged by my grammar, my punctuation and my spelling, it's nothing but a "thang." God will be on my journey, I may not mention him all the time, but he is with me. I have the best family & friends in the world. Life is Good!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas week
Where has the year gone? I cannot believe it's almost Christmas. I am headed out to East TN tomorrow as long as the weather holds. The weather man said it was supposed to be icy rain in the a.m. and will warm as the day wears on. I may not get out as early as I had hoped but I want to get settled at Deborah's before dark.
I got a new phone from Verizon. It's a basic no frills phone and hopefully it will hold a charge longer than my other. While I was at Verizon I bit the bullet and got the Internet service. So far so good. This trip will be the test. In Nashville I get a strong signal. If I get a strong signal in more rural areas I know I have made a good decision.
I have also contacted Tennessee Consolidated Retirement for my information regarding how much retirement I get, what the taxes will be and the cost of my insurance. Getting all the facts and figures to really start planning. At least this way I can have exact figures with which to work. I plan on putting my condo on the market in Jan or Feb. It really depends on when I can get it cleaned up and staged properly. That's the thing I hate about putting it on the market, keeping it picked up.
Oh, a great site I found and probably everyone knows about this already but me. Anyway, Skype is a free site to download and you can talk for free to anyone else who has Skype. If you have a webcam you can talk to whomever you want. You just locate them, put them in your contacts, if they accept, you are in! It is so cool. I think it will be extremely useful when I get on the road. I tried it with my nephew the other night and we talked for about 26 minutes. The picture is good and the audio is pretty close to the video.
Guess you will next hear from me from Stone Mountain, GA. Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Don't forget that Jesus is the reason for the season.
I got a new phone from Verizon. It's a basic no frills phone and hopefully it will hold a charge longer than my other. While I was at Verizon I bit the bullet and got the Internet service. So far so good. This trip will be the test. In Nashville I get a strong signal. If I get a strong signal in more rural areas I know I have made a good decision.
I have also contacted Tennessee Consolidated Retirement for my information regarding how much retirement I get, what the taxes will be and the cost of my insurance. Getting all the facts and figures to really start planning. At least this way I can have exact figures with which to work. I plan on putting my condo on the market in Jan or Feb. It really depends on when I can get it cleaned up and staged properly. That's the thing I hate about putting it on the market, keeping it picked up.
Oh, a great site I found and probably everyone knows about this already but me. Anyway, Skype is a free site to download and you can talk for free to anyone else who has Skype. If you have a webcam you can talk to whomever you want. You just locate them, put them in your contacts, if they accept, you are in! It is so cool. I think it will be extremely useful when I get on the road. I tried it with my nephew the other night and we talked for about 26 minutes. The picture is good and the audio is pretty close to the video.
Guess you will next hear from me from Stone Mountain, GA. Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Don't forget that Jesus is the reason for the season.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's been ONE year!
As of today, it was one year ago today that I became the proud owner of my 35' Itasca Sunrise, Somewhere. I'll admit that I haven't taken her out like I had originally planned and I blame that one on the high gas prices and the new computer roll-out at work that caused me to travel more with work.
I am so happy that I made the decision to go ahead and get her when I did. It has, however, made me want to retire so much earlier. But you know, in a few days, it's gonna be 2009 and it will only be about 6 months. That is if finances improve. Hey, the way I look at it. I have a very good paying job. It may be that I just start taking some longer vacations in Somewhere and come back and add to my coffers. That's the good thing about my plans being in Jello, they can constantly change, move and groove. I can go with the flow and not feel at all bad about it. If I hated my job, that would be different!
I have learned quite a bit about my Itasca. I have had experiences each time I have gone out in her that has added to my knowledge of what to do, mostly what not to do. LOL I have kept my sense of humor through it all and know that I was beginning on a zero basis and only had to go up to improve. I believe I'm doing quite well.
Would I do it again? You betcha! I think of the time when Jonathan was young. Why didn't I do it then? The fun we could have had and the places we could have gone. Oh well, that's looking back and I'm all about going forward! Jonathan can enjoy it with me now and probably be able to appreciate it more. Plus I'm got my dgd, Taylor and I know she will have fun.
Am I concerned about the future? Sure, just like everyone else. Things will work out how they are intended. My dearly departed Mother, Martha, always told me to not worry about things I have no control over. I have tried to listen to those great words of advice and I think I'm pretty good about not worrying. Things probably won't work on my timeline, but they will work. Remember I'm moving forward.
Oh, I've got some great plans around the holidays. We will be going to Stone Mountain, Ga and enjoy their Christmas in the park and then Snow Mountain. Somewhere will be our home and we can play all day and all night if we want. It will be fun to spend New Year's eve and New Years with family at the park.
It has been fun planning this trip. I want to cook and save a little on eating out so what's the menu for three for seven days. My goodness, this will be most groceries I have packed for Somewhere. I asked my dgd, Taylor, to take one day and plan the menu and cook for us. She seemed thrilled. See I don't get to be around her much and I like to include what she is "into" when we are together. She is growing up so fast.
But I digress from the planning. See I have to take decorations to dress Somewhere up for the holidays. Presents, of course. Food, but I've mentioned that already. Clothes, OMG, I've got to have clothes to play in the snow, bulky coats & stuff for staying warm. I'm so excited. It will be fun.
Today is my third day of not smoking. See I quit for about 6 years is 2002. 18 mos or so ago I started dabbling in it, fooling myself that if I just have one here, or there or while sitting at the one armed bandit that I could just put them down when I got home. Then came Edison, oh boy, I really used that as an excuse. I just started smoking more and more. I didn't like and I know it is definitely not good for my health. Why quit now? See I'm gonna be spending 7-8 days with my dgd and I sure don't want to disappoint her and I don't want to miss anytime with her. You know, smokers now have to go outside everywhere. I would go outside of Somewhere and I'm afraid I'll miss something. So wish me luck, I need luck & prayers. Thanks in advance.
Had a great celebration last night. Chad, my financial advisor with Waddell Reed, invited some of his clients to the Nashville City Club for dinner and entertainment. Food was great. Senator Diane Black spoke to us. The real entertainment was a magician, Rodney. He interacted with the audience. I had met him before the dinner and we were cutting up. When it was his turn on stage, he called me up to "help" out on a few tricks. It was funny and fun. I think I helped warm up other participants to be willing to get up there. Nothing much better than getting the audience involved.
One other thing, I went to Verizon today and got a new phone. My other would only hold a charge for about 10 minutes and it was time for my 2-yr renewal. While there I bit the bullet, I went with Verizon Broadband. I'll let you know how it goes. I got the 5 GB plan and will try it for the first month, I may be able to get to a lesser plan. Updates will follow off and on.
That's about it for right now. As you can guess, things are pretty busy right now so don't know when I'll get to post again. If not before Christmas, I hope all of those of you who read this blog, have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God Bless you all.
I am so happy that I made the decision to go ahead and get her when I did. It has, however, made me want to retire so much earlier. But you know, in a few days, it's gonna be 2009 and it will only be about 6 months. That is if finances improve. Hey, the way I look at it. I have a very good paying job. It may be that I just start taking some longer vacations in Somewhere and come back and add to my coffers. That's the good thing about my plans being in Jello, they can constantly change, move and groove. I can go with the flow and not feel at all bad about it. If I hated my job, that would be different!
I have learned quite a bit about my Itasca. I have had experiences each time I have gone out in her that has added to my knowledge of what to do, mostly what not to do. LOL I have kept my sense of humor through it all and know that I was beginning on a zero basis and only had to go up to improve. I believe I'm doing quite well.
Would I do it again? You betcha! I think of the time when Jonathan was young. Why didn't I do it then? The fun we could have had and the places we could have gone. Oh well, that's looking back and I'm all about going forward! Jonathan can enjoy it with me now and probably be able to appreciate it more. Plus I'm got my dgd, Taylor and I know she will have fun.
Am I concerned about the future? Sure, just like everyone else. Things will work out how they are intended. My dearly departed Mother, Martha, always told me to not worry about things I have no control over. I have tried to listen to those great words of advice and I think I'm pretty good about not worrying. Things probably won't work on my timeline, but they will work. Remember I'm moving forward.
Oh, I've got some great plans around the holidays. We will be going to Stone Mountain, Ga and enjoy their Christmas in the park and then Snow Mountain. Somewhere will be our home and we can play all day and all night if we want. It will be fun to spend New Year's eve and New Years with family at the park.
It has been fun planning this trip. I want to cook and save a little on eating out so what's the menu for three for seven days. My goodness, this will be most groceries I have packed for Somewhere. I asked my dgd, Taylor, to take one day and plan the menu and cook for us. She seemed thrilled. See I don't get to be around her much and I like to include what she is "into" when we are together. She is growing up so fast.
But I digress from the planning. See I have to take decorations to dress Somewhere up for the holidays. Presents, of course. Food, but I've mentioned that already. Clothes, OMG, I've got to have clothes to play in the snow, bulky coats & stuff for staying warm. I'm so excited. It will be fun.
Today is my third day of not smoking. See I quit for about 6 years is 2002. 18 mos or so ago I started dabbling in it, fooling myself that if I just have one here, or there or while sitting at the one armed bandit that I could just put them down when I got home. Then came Edison, oh boy, I really used that as an excuse. I just started smoking more and more. I didn't like and I know it is definitely not good for my health. Why quit now? See I'm gonna be spending 7-8 days with my dgd and I sure don't want to disappoint her and I don't want to miss anytime with her. You know, smokers now have to go outside everywhere. I would go outside of Somewhere and I'm afraid I'll miss something. So wish me luck, I need luck & prayers. Thanks in advance.
Had a great celebration last night. Chad, my financial advisor with Waddell Reed, invited some of his clients to the Nashville City Club for dinner and entertainment. Food was great. Senator Diane Black spoke to us. The real entertainment was a magician, Rodney. He interacted with the audience. I had met him before the dinner and we were cutting up. When it was his turn on stage, he called me up to "help" out on a few tricks. It was funny and fun. I think I helped warm up other participants to be willing to get up there. Nothing much better than getting the audience involved.
One other thing, I went to Verizon today and got a new phone. My other would only hold a charge for about 10 minutes and it was time for my 2-yr renewal. While there I bit the bullet, I went with Verizon Broadband. I'll let you know how it goes. I got the 5 GB plan and will try it for the first month, I may be able to get to a lesser plan. Updates will follow off and on.
That's about it for right now. As you can guess, things are pretty busy right now so don't know when I'll get to post again. If not before Christmas, I hope all of those of you who read this blog, have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God Bless you all.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Cruise account from the eyes of Buffett
I'm stepping aside from this post to give space to my travelling buddy, Buffett. Here is his account of the Cruise on the Carnival Miracle, November 21-29,2008.
Whooppee! Look at this! I'm on the balcony of this really big boat, hope I can hang on long enough with my toes so that I don't fall into this big water.

We had a great time. I thought I was going to be lonesome sitting in the room all day but Carolyn & Theda let me come out every once in a while. The fun thing was when this stranger came into the room, I believe his name was Ed, he would make me friends to play with and I could just fly around the room and rest on them. What do you think?

The monkey was the most fun because I could just snuggle up inside his belly and stay all nice and warm. Carolyn & Theda like it cold in their room.

It would seem that as I was flying around having fun and jamming down, Theda would come in and snap a picture. Speaking of jamming down. I had my very own juke box.
So there was no way I was going to be bored on this trip.
We sailed on this boat for two days. I heard Carolyn & Theda talking that it was sure going to be good to be at sea two days before and two sea days after their trips to the islands. It was sure good for me, rockin' & rollin'.
I gotta tell you about two friends I made early on. They look weird, but kind of look like what something from my home island would look like.
These two friends are called Monkeyheads. All I heard Carolyn talking about was I have got to get a drink in a Monkeyhead. She had this button she wore all the time saying she was a Coconut Monkeyhead Waster and she had to have a Monkeyhead. So here they are. My new buddies. It's official, Carolyn is a member of the Carnival Coconut Monkeyhead Wasters club and so are Theda, Jonathan, Jonnica, Becky, and anyone else who wanted to be. It was pretty cool. I had some company the rest of the cruise in the room. Carolyn says she is going to use them as decoration and tiki lights with her RV, Somewhere. And I'm sure you know I'm gonna be there every step of the way.
On the third day, I knew something exciting was happening. Room service came and Carolyn & Theda were fixing picnic lunches and they were mixing drinks and all kinds of fun stuff. They packed bags and guess what???? I was placed in one of the bags with my head sticking out, "I was gonna go somewhere else!" "Yippee" Maybe I'm gonna find my home! I'm told we are going to St Maarten. Here is a pictures of Theda, Becky and Carolyn with me in my hammock looking out on the water.
Theda is always taking good care of me. I'm sure Carolyn is off in the water somewhere or walking down the beach, but Theda is looking out after me.
There is a little guy bringing some buckets with bottles in them, hum, wonder what they can be?
They call it beer! Yummy, I think I like it. Makes you feel all warm inside. Hum! I need to fly around a little. Let's see where I can lite?
Looks like a mighty cozy place to me. Hey and we can jam out here to. Hey, Carolyn, why is everyone always going into the water? I guess we can walk around and see what the sites are in St Maarten on the Dutch side. I've been looking at some pretty kewl places to lite. Come go with me!
This looks like something fun to do. Can we? Can we? NO! Okay then can I? Can I? Buffett can! Buffett can!
No Buffett, that's not your home! It may look like it but it's not!
Look at Buffett, between the girls!! Wow, I sure like this island, it reminds me of my home! I am gonna look for my home, maybe I'll stay.
Now, I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord to find my home! Buffett, shame on you, get down from there! That's not nice of you, however it is a nice statue. Whooweeee, that beer sure makes you do crazy things!
Okay it's back to that big ol ship and back to the cabin, I guess. Today sure was fun. Wonder what we get to do next? Oh, I think I heard some say it's on to St Lucia and snorkling! Wonder if I get to go snorkling??? Wonder if I get to drink some of that beer! Well it really was nasty but what the heck, everyone else seemed to like it. Ron sure can put it away.
Wow, we aren't packing up as much for this island, wonder why?
Theda is not going to let me go into the water. She said there was not a snorkle small enough for me.
Sandra is letting me say hi to Carolyn, she has been out in that water a long time. She needs to come in now. I need to show her what I found on this boat. It sure is a lot better than that old beer from yesterday. I'm popular. Every body wants to have their picture made with me, even Becky.

This boat is sure a lot faster that that big one we are on for the whole week. We could have been around Cuba a couple of times as fast as this thing goes.

Now this looks like my home! Do you think Carolyn will let me stay?

We are back from our day of snorkling so I guess that means that I have to go back to my cabin. It sure has been pretty. This weather reminds me of my home island. Guess I'll look for it tomorrow.
I heard that today we are going to be going on an island tour of St Kitts. We are all going, even me. I get to sit up front. I won't have a seat belt on but it will be okay.
Now this must be my home! I'm meant to be here. I can look at the Atlantic Ocean on the left and see the Caribbean Sea on my right! I'm in heaven!

Now, Carolyn set up this island tour for all of us to go with Royston Tours. The guy was going to furnish lunch and beer (Yuk) and rum punch (yummy.) His van was going to take us all, there were 10 humans and me! We wait out front for him to pick us up and guess what?
Royston pulls up in the green frog looking thing called Rogie. Carolyn looks in this van and says it won't hold all of us. Then Ron & Becky decide not to go and we all decide to pile in this van for our half day tour of the island. Note the 1/2 day. We have to be back at the ship at 3:30 p.m ship time.
We had the best time. I don't know what everyone was laughing, worrying about and all that stuff humans do, I was perfectly fine on my perch and between me and Theda we could see everything that was happening.
I could even watch Royston when he had to get out of the van on a very narrow road and fill in a huge hole (big enough to swallow the van) with rocks & boulders around on the side of the road. Did I mention that the humans were laughing and crying at the same time? This was one of those times.
Anyway, back to the trip. Royston took us to see some beautiful sights of the island. This trip was an adventure and we saw sights of the island that I bet no body else who went on a tour got to see. We even went off roading. Royston was not drinking.

At the Batik factory I met some more friends.
Actually I think Sandra was trying to hook me up with these two long necked birds. They weren't my type. Don't you think it is silly the way she was trying to make me look like I was flying. Oh, I just say humor the humans.
I know this is not my home, but I sure like hanging out in these kind of trees. I think they are called date palms. Guess that means if I get hungry I'll have some fresh fruit to eat.
Remember when I said we went on an adventure, off roading? Here is a picture of Jonathan taking a picture of us in the middle of a field on top of a mountain.
It was a site to behold and Royston said it was one of his favorite places on the island of St Kitts and I can sure see why! It was a little scarey and adventurous. It made for a great day.
Ft Brimstone was where we stopped for lunch and other refreshments. Need I say more, Carolyn told me a picture was worth a thousand words. What do you think?

The island of St Kitts is a beautiful one. On the way back to the ship I heard family talking about the Thanksgiving dinner they were going to have tonight. They also talked about what they were most thankful for and how it was nice to be together on the ship together to celebrate this holiday. The whole time I never heard any one say they were thankful for me, Buffett. What's up with that? Is it because I'm just one more fur baby, well not a live one but you get the drift! Anyway it was a good Thanksgiving '08 holiday!
After all I got to do on the islands, the last two days at sea were boring for me but not for Carolyn and the rest of the group. I heard them talking about dancing and doing shots (I sure hope they were not shooting guns!) and pulling one armed bandits. I hope there were no pirates on this cruise but I did hear Carolyn comment that she had been held up! Don't know what that means. At least we are all Monkeyhead wasters and that means we can't complain about stuff on a cruise.
Another thing, I'm not looking for another home, I have a home with Carolyn, Sedona and that other yet to be named pink flamingo. Life is good!
I like this cruising thing. I hope I get to go again. You will hear from me as I travel with Carolyn in Somewhere. This is just a sign of things to come. Enjoy.
Whooppee! Look at this! I'm on the balcony of this really big boat, hope I can hang on long enough with my toes so that I don't fall into this big water.
We had a great time. I thought I was going to be lonesome sitting in the room all day but Carolyn & Theda let me come out every once in a while. The fun thing was when this stranger came into the room, I believe his name was Ed, he would make me friends to play with and I could just fly around the room and rest on them. What do you think?

We sailed on this boat for two days. I heard Carolyn & Theda talking that it was sure going to be good to be at sea two days before and two sea days after their trips to the islands. It was sure good for me, rockin' & rollin'.
I gotta tell you about two friends I made early on. They look weird, but kind of look like what something from my home island would look like.
On the third day, I knew something exciting was happening. Room service came and Carolyn & Theda were fixing picnic lunches and they were mixing drinks and all kinds of fun stuff. They packed bags and guess what???? I was placed in one of the bags with my head sticking out, "I was gonna go somewhere else!" "Yippee" Maybe I'm gonna find my home! I'm told we are going to St Maarten. Here is a pictures of Theda, Becky and Carolyn with me in my hammock looking out on the water.

Theda is always taking good care of me. I'm sure Carolyn is off in the water somewhere or walking down the beach, but Theda is looking out after me.

Okay it's back to that big ol ship and back to the cabin, I guess. Today sure was fun. Wonder what we get to do next? Oh, I think I heard some say it's on to St Lucia and snorkling! Wonder if I get to go snorkling??? Wonder if I get to drink some of that beer! Well it really was nasty but what the heck, everyone else seemed to like it. Ron sure can put it away.
Wow, we aren't packing up as much for this island, wonder why?

This boat is sure a lot faster that that big one we are on for the whole week. We could have been around Cuba a couple of times as fast as this thing goes.

We are back from our day of snorkling so I guess that means that I have to go back to my cabin. It sure has been pretty. This weather reminds me of my home island. Guess I'll look for it tomorrow.
I heard that today we are going to be going on an island tour of St Kitts. We are all going, even me. I get to sit up front. I won't have a seat belt on but it will be okay.

Now this must be my home! I'm meant to be here. I can look at the Atlantic Ocean on the left and see the Caribbean Sea on my right! I'm in heaven!

Now, Carolyn set up this island tour for all of us to go with Royston Tours. The guy was going to furnish lunch and beer (Yuk) and rum punch (yummy.) His van was going to take us all, there were 10 humans and me! We wait out front for him to pick us up and guess what?
We had the best time. I don't know what everyone was laughing, worrying about and all that stuff humans do, I was perfectly fine on my perch and between me and Theda we could see everything that was happening.
I could even watch Royston when he had to get out of the van on a very narrow road and fill in a huge hole (big enough to swallow the van) with rocks & boulders around on the side of the road. Did I mention that the humans were laughing and crying at the same time? This was one of those times.
Anyway, back to the trip. Royston took us to see some beautiful sights of the island. This trip was an adventure and we saw sights of the island that I bet no body else who went on a tour got to see. We even went off roading. Royston was not drinking.
At the Batik factory I met some more friends.

Actually I think Sandra was trying to hook me up with these two long necked birds. They weren't my type. Don't you think it is silly the way she was trying to make me look like I was flying. Oh, I just say humor the humans.

Remember when I said we went on an adventure, off roading? Here is a picture of Jonathan taking a picture of us in the middle of a field on top of a mountain.
The island of St Kitts is a beautiful one. On the way back to the ship I heard family talking about the Thanksgiving dinner they were going to have tonight. They also talked about what they were most thankful for and how it was nice to be together on the ship together to celebrate this holiday. The whole time I never heard any one say they were thankful for me, Buffett. What's up with that? Is it because I'm just one more fur baby, well not a live one but you get the drift! Anyway it was a good Thanksgiving '08 holiday!
After all I got to do on the islands, the last two days at sea were boring for me but not for Carolyn and the rest of the group. I heard them talking about dancing and doing shots (I sure hope they were not shooting guns!) and pulling one armed bandits. I hope there were no pirates on this cruise but I did hear Carolyn comment that she had been held up! Don't know what that means. At least we are all Monkeyhead wasters and that means we can't complain about stuff on a cruise.
Another thing, I'm not looking for another home, I have a home with Carolyn, Sedona and that other yet to be named pink flamingo. Life is good!
I like this cruising thing. I hope I get to go again. You will hear from me as I travel with Carolyn in Somewhere. This is just a sign of things to come. Enjoy.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Cullum and Maxey Camping Center
Just dropped in to let you know that Cullum and Maxey refunded $51.90 for the airing up of my tires. Of course Bud went on to say it didn't matter to him if I stayed as a customer so guess what folks??? I'm shopping around for a new service center. Too bad too. Tanya was so good to work with and her boss wasn't too bad either. Oh well, it's time to change.
More about the cruise later...
More about the cruise later...
Friday, November 14, 2008
I've been screwed
Or at least I feel that way. Yesterday I took Somewhere to Cullum & Maxey to have my slide checked on because there was a hydraulic leak somewhere in the slide mechanism. In addition to that I wanted them to check the tire pressure while it was there. I did not ask if there would be a charge for checking the tire pressure (in hindsight, I probably should have and you can bet your bippy I will ask in the future.) They got the slide problem fixed and called me to come pick it up.
As I was paying what I thought was too high a price, $220. I asked for an itemization of the bill. Here you go, are you ready??? $47.50 plus tax to check the tire pressure. Yes, you read it right, $47.50.
I disputed that price and Bud Maxey, manager over the parts & service department and might I mention the individual who sold me my motorhome, told me the reason was they had to crawl under my motorhome to check the pressure on the inside tires. I asked why they had to do that, "I have valve extenders for the inside tires?" He said he didn't think so and I took him out to look. Sure enough I do, then he started telling me how they price out their hours and that I probably didn't actually pay that for the tire pressure check, it was probably that the slide pump took longer than I was charged for. Well, why didn't my bill reflect that instead? He said it was just easier to do it the way they did it! Bud kept hem hawing around but was not going to and did not cut me any slack.
I am on the lookout for another service center! I told him he sold me based on the service center's customer service. They always take care of their customers. Well I say that is a bunch of bull and I want to let everyone know they screw their customers.
Don't buy anything from Cullum & Maxey center. They DON'T take care of their customers. You bet I will ask from here on out. It was a very expensive lesson for me to learn. I just can't stomach the fact that I actually paid $47.50 plus tax for something that I have done before, repeatedly! Was it because I was a woman? Was it because they are feeling the hard economic times and need to do this to their customers to stay afloat? I don't know but it sure ticks me off.
Want to read something directly from Cullum and Maxey's website:
Our Commitment
For over 45 years, Cullum & Maxey has followed a simple philosophy: offer quality products, back them with quality service, and, most of all, make the customer's overall experience as enjoyable and hassle-free as possible. Instead of gimmicks and high-pressure sales, we try to create [read more]... What a JOKE!
It still hurts to sit down!
As I was paying what I thought was too high a price, $220. I asked for an itemization of the bill. Here you go, are you ready??? $47.50 plus tax to check the tire pressure. Yes, you read it right, $47.50.
I disputed that price and Bud Maxey, manager over the parts & service department and might I mention the individual who sold me my motorhome, told me the reason was they had to crawl under my motorhome to check the pressure on the inside tires. I asked why they had to do that, "I have valve extenders for the inside tires?" He said he didn't think so and I took him out to look. Sure enough I do, then he started telling me how they price out their hours and that I probably didn't actually pay that for the tire pressure check, it was probably that the slide pump took longer than I was charged for. Well, why didn't my bill reflect that instead? He said it was just easier to do it the way they did it! Bud kept hem hawing around but was not going to and did not cut me any slack.
I am on the lookout for another service center! I told him he sold me based on the service center's customer service. They always take care of their customers. Well I say that is a bunch of bull and I want to let everyone know they screw their customers.
Don't buy anything from Cullum & Maxey center. They DON'T take care of their customers. You bet I will ask from here on out. It was a very expensive lesson for me to learn. I just can't stomach the fact that I actually paid $47.50 plus tax for something that I have done before, repeatedly! Was it because I was a woman? Was it because they are feeling the hard economic times and need to do this to their customers to stay afloat? I don't know but it sure ticks me off.
Want to read something directly from Cullum and Maxey's website:
Our Commitment
For over 45 years, Cullum & Maxey has followed a simple philosophy: offer quality products, back them with quality service, and, most of all, make the customer's overall experience as enjoyable and hassle-free as possible. Instead of gimmicks and high-pressure sales, we try to create [read more]... What a JOKE!
It still hurts to sit down!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veteran's Day
Today was Veteran's Day and there was a big parade downtown Nashville. It rained a little but the hardest rain held off until after the parade. Did I go? No, it was a state holiday and I went to learn how to winterize Somewhere.
I took her to Clarksville RV Supercenter and Jim walked me through step by step how to do it. I had watched my walk through DVD I took while taking possession of Somewhere last December but I learn best by doing. Now I can do it w/out stressing whether I got it right.
Gas was $1.99 today. Nice change from a few months ago.
I have made after Christmas plans. Jonathan, Taylor and I will be going to Stone Mountain GA for their Christmas event. We are looking forward to it. We will be staying in Somewhere in Etowah at Deborah's and then will go on down to Atlanta the day after Christmas. I can't wait. It will be fun. I won't be staying for the Snow Mountain but Jonathan and Taylor will stay. It's a big slide down the mountain on inner tubes on top of snow. I'm sure it's man made snow. I hope it's man made snow. LOL
I have a couple of new travelling companions that I want you to meet.
This is Buffett. I suppose he will jump in my suitcase to go on my cruise. He wants to be like the Travelocity Gnome. As long as he is good and doesn't make a mess, he can go anywhere with me. I know, I must be a lonely "old woman" to be taking TY beanies with me on trips. You just never know where he will show up. You can tell he is already checking things out on the computer to see where we will go next.
This is my yet to be named Pink Flamingo. She won't be going on as many trips, just the ones in Somewhere. She will be the RV Women's mascot when we have our get togethers. She will get to come out and play whenever she wants. Let me know what you think she needs to be named. I've been thinking of Carib for the Caribbean but I don't think she likes that so I'll keep trying and I'll let you know. I'm sure you will be waiting with bated breath.
How did I come up with these new companions? Remember I told you Cindy had a yard sale, well at an auction she went to she purchased about 200 + beanie babies and had the to sell in her yard sale. These two babies were in there calling my name and Cindy gave them to me. I didn't have to buy them, that's how they jumped on board with me. Buffett has a special riding place already and matches my theme of It's 5 o'clock Somewhere. Not sure about where the flamingo will go. She will find her place. My challenge is to keep Sedona away from them. She thinks they are toys for her, imagine that!
Debbie stopped by today on the way to the DR. She had forgotten that I was home on holiday today. She has an upper respiratory funk going on but boy does she look good. She has lost about 80 + lbs and is looking like a different person. I am so very proud of Debbie. She dropped off some hand me downs from Duchess to Sedona.
Sedona wasn't feeling too proud in this UT sweater, since they are doing so badly this year, but then I told her it was really a Lady Vols shirt and she perked up. Can't blame her for that, can you? tee hee Thanks Debbie & Duchess.
Go Titans- 9-0.
I took her to Clarksville RV Supercenter and Jim walked me through step by step how to do it. I had watched my walk through DVD I took while taking possession of Somewhere last December but I learn best by doing. Now I can do it w/out stressing whether I got it right.
Gas was $1.99 today. Nice change from a few months ago.
I have made after Christmas plans. Jonathan, Taylor and I will be going to Stone Mountain GA for their Christmas event. We are looking forward to it. We will be staying in Somewhere in Etowah at Deborah's and then will go on down to Atlanta the day after Christmas. I can't wait. It will be fun. I won't be staying for the Snow Mountain but Jonathan and Taylor will stay. It's a big slide down the mountain on inner tubes on top of snow. I'm sure it's man made snow. I hope it's man made snow. LOL
I have a couple of new travelling companions that I want you to meet.
How did I come up with these new companions? Remember I told you Cindy had a yard sale, well at an auction she went to she purchased about 200 + beanie babies and had the to sell in her yard sale. These two babies were in there calling my name and Cindy gave them to me. I didn't have to buy them, that's how they jumped on board with me. Buffett has a special riding place already and matches my theme of It's 5 o'clock Somewhere. Not sure about where the flamingo will go. She will find her place. My challenge is to keep Sedona away from them. She thinks they are toys for her, imagine that!
Debbie stopped by today on the way to the DR. She had forgotten that I was home on holiday today. She has an upper respiratory funk going on but boy does she look good. She has lost about 80 + lbs and is looking like a different person. I am so very proud of Debbie. She dropped off some hand me downs from Duchess to Sedona.
Go Titans- 9-0.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Ave Maria Grotto
Sometime back when Theda and I went to Destin Fl we stopped at the Ava Maria Grotto in Culluman AL. I found this place on the Roadside America website following my friend Margie's lead on finding good places to stop to see interesting places on the way. With my AAA membership, admission was $5 which was a good deal and we were there about 3 hours.
The Ave Marie Grotto is at St Bernard Abbey in Culluman. The Grotto consists of a landscaped hillside of 125 small stone and cement structures, the handiwork of the creative genius, Brother Joseph Zoetl, O.S.B., a monk of the Abbey for almost 70 years.
I was intrigued by the detail and the materials used. I have made some similar structures using found items of sea shells, broken glass and broken china. Of course not to this detail and mass. I'll show a few of the pictures we took but there were so many, you just have to go see it.
Some of the titles of the minatures are: Bethlehem, The Tower of Thanks, St Peter's Shrine, Montserrat Abbey, Statue of Liberty, Red Cross Tower, Hansel & Gretel Visit the temple of the Fairies, The Holy Land, Leaning Tower of Pisa, City of Jerusalem & the Gate of Herod, Gethsemani, Crucifixion, The Resurrection, The Ten Commandments, Jacob's Well, Noah's Ark & the Tower of Babel, and on and on. It is well worth the trip to go.
It was a beautiful spring day and the gardens were beautiful.
Friday, November 7, 2008
What's been goin' on?
Several posts ago I had referred to the Life on Wheels conference and how helpful it was to me as I prepared to embark on the RVing lifestyle. I don't think that I have posted about the founder of this wonderful conference, Gaylord Maxwell, passed away on September 20. I had postponed going to the LOW until 2009 because I wanted to have a few trips under my belt so that I would make better use of the information I received at the conference. Now I read that there will no longer be a Life on Wheels. Now, I'll have to go to plan B and I don't know what that is yet.
Also, big in the news this week is that we now have a new president elect, Barack Obama. History was indeed made this week as Mr Obama is the first African-American person to be elected to the highest office in the US. I will not give an editorial on this selection, let me just say, I didn't vote for him. What does the future hold for us???
As of this writing it is only 14 days until my cruise and I can't wait. Last night I had my hair cut and colored. I look like a tri-gold bracelet! LOL Why do I say that? I wanted something sassy and I told Janey I wanted blond and red. She highlighted it first with blond and then added mahogany red to the highlights and of course with my hair being brown naturally, I'm tricolored. It is spiky short, so I am ready for the tropics.
I heard from my cousin, Teresa, in Maryville this week. She is now a Stampin' Up Demonstrator and is doing quite well. Her blog is if you are interested in checking it out. So proud of Teresa.
We just completed our third pay period in Edison and things seem to be smoothing out a little. I figured it would take about four for employees to really begin to feel more comfortable with it. Guess I was right.
Went last weekend to Clarksville to help with Cindy's yard sale and stayed in Somewhere while I was there. Of course Friday was Halloween and I took a few pix of Roger's children in their costumes.
I also had to take one of them being silly. The little girl in the center is one of their friends who went trick or treating with.
They got a lot of candy that helped us out the next day at the yard sale. We had to keep our energy up, you know. The yard sale was a bust for me, $26.00, but was very successful for Roger & Cindy. I just don't think it was meant for me to have or be a part of a yard sale.
I am taking Somewhere to be winterized on the 11th. I don't want to worry about her while I am gone on my cruise so this is the best thing to do. I am hoping they will let me do it while I watch. It can't be that difficult to do but I don't want to do it by myself the first time. I'll dewinterize for Christmas, I'm taking her back to Etowah so we can enjoy Christmas in her again. It's hard to believe it has been almost a year since I bought her. Haven't got to use her as much as I thought but it won't be long until she will be my home.
Having said that, I'm reevaluating whether I'll be retiring this year. All will depend on whether I sell my condo. I need to make some money on my condo and right now, I think it will sell, but it's getting what I need for it that will make a difference. I, like most everyone else, took a beating in the stock market. My financial advisor says I can still do it but I may need to hang on to my good paying job for a little while. Who knows, everything is up in air, and as the girls on the forum say, my plans are in jello right now. Love that phrase, plans are in jello.
OMG, big news from East TN, Philip Fulmer, head coach of the TN Volunteers, has been asked to step down. The Vols have had a horrible year in football and TN fans can be the most rabid fans around. I think they called for his head and got it. Now things are left up to Pat Summit and Bruce Pearl, UT basketball coaches.
The Tennessee Titans, pro football team in Nashville, are 8-0 this year. Only undefeated team in the NFL. GO TITANS! Don't miss my PSLs at all, love watching from the comfort of my home!
Also, big in the news this week is that we now have a new president elect, Barack Obama. History was indeed made this week as Mr Obama is the first African-American person to be elected to the highest office in the US. I will not give an editorial on this selection, let me just say, I didn't vote for him. What does the future hold for us???
As of this writing it is only 14 days until my cruise and I can't wait. Last night I had my hair cut and colored. I look like a tri-gold bracelet! LOL Why do I say that? I wanted something sassy and I told Janey I wanted blond and red. She highlighted it first with blond and then added mahogany red to the highlights and of course with my hair being brown naturally, I'm tricolored. It is spiky short, so I am ready for the tropics.
I heard from my cousin, Teresa, in Maryville this week. She is now a Stampin' Up Demonstrator and is doing quite well. Her blog is if you are interested in checking it out. So proud of Teresa.
We just completed our third pay period in Edison and things seem to be smoothing out a little. I figured it would take about four for employees to really begin to feel more comfortable with it. Guess I was right.
Went last weekend to Clarksville to help with Cindy's yard sale and stayed in Somewhere while I was there. Of course Friday was Halloween and I took a few pix of Roger's children in their costumes.

I am taking Somewhere to be winterized on the 11th. I don't want to worry about her while I am gone on my cruise so this is the best thing to do. I am hoping they will let me do it while I watch. It can't be that difficult to do but I don't want to do it by myself the first time. I'll dewinterize for Christmas, I'm taking her back to Etowah so we can enjoy Christmas in her again. It's hard to believe it has been almost a year since I bought her. Haven't got to use her as much as I thought but it won't be long until she will be my home.
Having said that, I'm reevaluating whether I'll be retiring this year. All will depend on whether I sell my condo. I need to make some money on my condo and right now, I think it will sell, but it's getting what I need for it that will make a difference. I, like most everyone else, took a beating in the stock market. My financial advisor says I can still do it but I may need to hang on to my good paying job for a little while. Who knows, everything is up in air, and as the girls on the forum say, my plans are in jello right now. Love that phrase, plans are in jello.
OMG, big news from East TN, Philip Fulmer, head coach of the TN Volunteers, has been asked to step down. The Vols have had a horrible year in football and TN fans can be the most rabid fans around. I think they called for his head and got it. Now things are left up to Pat Summit and Bruce Pearl, UT basketball coaches.
The Tennessee Titans, pro football team in Nashville, are 8-0 this year. Only undefeated team in the NFL. GO TITANS! Don't miss my PSLs at all, love watching from the comfort of my home!
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