A decision has been made. I'm coming back to Citrus Ridge next year and going to try to work for Disney. I've got a much better lot with NO acorn trees. It's a lot on the lake and should be a comfortable place for me and Sedona. I'm looking forward to staying there.
I've enjoyed my winter at Citrus Ridge. Lots of activities and lots of very nice people. It's has certainly helped having Margie pave the way for me. Yeah, I'll admit to riding on her coat tails. LOL
Sedona and I have enjoyed riding on the bicycle especially now that the roads have been paved. All I have to say is "wanna go for a ride?" and she goes out to where the bike is and sits until I get out there and get her ready. She sits quietly and watches everything as we go by. I have a clip that I attach to her harness to prevent her from jumping out.
Friends Bobby and Sharon came down from N FL to visit. They got a site in CR and it was nice to have Sharon around here. We went to breakfast with the girls and then on a shopping trip around the Orlando area. It was a short visit but I got to see her new Smart Car. Little thing but it will tow nicely as it only weighs 1700 lbs. They shouldn't even know it's back there.
Margie and I went to The Barn close to Lake Alfred today. It's a nice place out in the boonies. It has antiques and gift store and a restaurant. When you enter the restaurant you pick up the menu, find a table, make your number and name on the menu as well as what you want to eat. You go up to cashier and pay and they fill your order. Your order is delivered to you in wooden boxes with leather handles like a "box" lunch. Very unique and so tasty. Not too expensive and not too much food either.

Another event at Citrus Ridge was a fashion show sponsored by the Red Hat Ladies and Bon Worth.
There was an opportunity to make purchases but I didn't need anything so I passed on the deal. The ladies did such a good job and it was enjoyable afternoon.
One of the ladies had made a purse and called it her DD purse. It's made out of a red bra and she had it decorated with purple and lots of beads. Cute idea. So all you women who want to carry a bra for a purse, here's your idea.
When I leave here on April 15 I'm trying to decide on a route to go back to TN. I'll spend a few days around the Homosassas Springs area, stop in SE Ga to visit Jonathan and Taylor, then Savannah, Augusta, Liberty SC, Dillard GA and then TN. I am always changing my mind so these plans are in jello, they are just my thoughts. I'm trying to avoid Atlanta because I want to see some new scenery. Or I might go through AL. Who knows.
I'm discussing workkamping at TN State Parks for a couple of months this summer. Should work out and it will be a way for me to save some gas money and see if I could really be into this workkamping gig.
Citrus Ridge is having the Farewell Party tomorrow. Sweet Charlie will be back singing his tunes as he was here at the Welcome Back party. Should be a fun time!
I'm heading down to FT Myers this weekend to visit my Sister Shirley and BIL Doug. Should be a good trip. Can't believe I have waited all winter to do this. Time sure flies when you are having fun.