Yes, Sedona is two today. She came into my life at 10 weeks old in November, 2006. Not really being much of a dog person before, I decided she needed to go to school. What follows is a recap of her experience at PupScouts in Nashville, TN. I hope you enjoy.
Week One-PupScouts 1/8/07
There were 10 dogs in class. All big, all puppies. Sedona was by far the smallest. First thing they give us was a Lowe's apron with 2 pockets, then they brought around 'treats" for us to put in the pockets, that would be the reward for doing good.
Next was the first command to the parents. Sit in your chair, take your dog off your leash and don't get up off the chair. OMG, do you have any idea how that made me feel. Teach assured me that they would not let anything happen to Sedona. She initially got out in the mix and then one of the dogs "touched" her and she let out the shrillest cry it made your toes curl. I immediately got up and Jane said, "sit back down, she's okay." I looked at her with sheer panic on my face I am sure and said, "Do you have any idea how difficult this is for me?" Of course she did.
Anyway, Sedona decided she liked to play with the adults and children better than those other dogs. Teach did tell me the others would leave her alone as long as she kept making those noises and sure enough, the big dogs/puppies just ignored her. Then my feeling got hurt as to why they did not want to play with my puppy. lol
As the one hour moved along, we practiced "sit"- of course Sedona already knew this one-go to the head of the class... "let's go" was a fav, each time they even attempted to try something, they got a treat. I learned that when they do something like, sit, let's go, down the key word is "yes." Not good girl, but yes. It's going to take some training for me too. I guess that's why I am going, right?
There was a German Sheppard who stayed in the corner the whole time. I talked to her owner and she is a rescue do who was abused. She was good but she just sat in the corner and observed. Teach said that was good for her to be exposed to sights and sounds and other people/dogs. She was beautiful.
Lab puppies, labdoodle, corgies, spaniel, mutt, all were there and it was such fun to see the interaction.
It was time to go "potty." See the thing about this is Sedona potties on a pad in the warm house, NOT in the outside on wood chips with all those other puppies around sniffing places they shouldn't. LOL She wouldn't go. Guess what, the minute she got back inside, she exploded and I didn't think she would ever stop peeing. They all loved that. Teach said that would be a problem if I ever wanted her to go outside. I'm thinking, why would I want her to go outside, that would mean I would have to go outside too. What was she thinking?
At the very end of class, they give us homework and an autograph book. Our assignment is to get our puppies exposed to as many different people as possible. When someone pets out puppy, we ask them to sign the autograph book. The puppy who has the most autographs will get a prize at the end of the class. Wish I had had the autograph book at Christmas, gosh, my family would have made up 52 names in the book. LOL
The last event of each training session is an agility course event. Last night was the tunnel. Puppies were going in and then stopping midway through, some owners had to go in after their little pup. Okay, we are going to the head of the class again. My little Sedona, prances over, goes into the tunnel by herself and zip, out the other end she comes. I said, "you don't understand, this one goes under the bed, behind the couch and other tight dark places, this is nothing." Then they made the tunnel longer, again, no problem. That was fun.
Did you know dogs get full of treats? To the point they don't want anymore? I didn't but she did. I have to not feed her supper next Monday.
Well, folks, this was probably more than you wanted to know but I wanted to share as much as possible. I would highly recommend if you ever get a new puppy to take her, if for nothing more than to socialize. PupScouts is an amazing place. Thanks, Pam for telling me about it. I can't wait until next Monday. BTW, did I tell you she slept the minute I got her in the car and went straight to bed when we got home? It was sooooo funny.
Until the next installment...
Week Two-PupScouts 1/15/07
Monday was such a struggle, do I go or don't I? 24 is on you know and it's MY show, MY show that when someone calls I won't talk...well okay, the decision is made, that's what they make VHS for right? (I am not in the TIVO world yet). I set my VHS and am ready to go.
Sedona has been excited all day and I know she can anticipate something big is going to happen today. We are both so excited that we get there about 30 minutes early. Oh well, can't blame me.
I thought it would be good for her to get her sniffing done and check everything out. Well, next week we probably won't get there so early and you will see why as I continue this little story...
...back on lead the other dogs are coming and Sedona can't be singled out as favorite (who says?) Oh my goodness I can see a change in some of the behaviors of the bigger dogs, not all but some. Same routine, everyone gets there, sniffs each other, paws one another and does the usual routine, I can only guess what they are saying to each other.
Sedona sniffs a couple and then goes to play with the children, she doesn't care a thing about the other dogs, she wants to be petted and played with, after all, that's how she has trained her "mother."
Ooh, who is this? Molly, spaniel, Sedona is actually playing with her and is letting her sniff her and is not making that gosh awful curdling sound she usually does when a big dog comes around her. Does she have a friend? Oh, they are so cute together.
Now enough, time for learning. Off lead and owners just sit and watch. Same thing, Sedona is looking for children, children are busy trying to watch their dogs. As they play, Molly as become Sedona's caretaker, she is watching out for her, it's so good to see that happen.
Now for the learning, Say name and when they recognize, give treat. We do this all around the room. We hear a lot of yes, yes, yes, yes, that's our word for doing something right. Of course they take Sedona as an example, she has done so well this week. I have practiced with her.
Next is sit, down (which is lie down, not off), go get it, let's go, you get the picture. Now it's time to go outside, Kristie tells me I can carry Sedona outside, she takes a little longer. We have a repeat of the outside from last week, what the heck am I supposed to do outside in the cold (and it was very cold and wet on Monday) with all these other dogs and people around me. Molly to the rescue, Sedona was hovered over next to the fence and Molly went over sniffed, and stood over Sedona like she was protecting her. Kristie is so proud that they have bonded. I am proud that they have too but would really like to see Sedona play instead of hover.
We go back inside and do a come, touch collar routine and that's it. This command is very important as they may have to have their life saved and need to know the COME command. You don't use come just to get them to come to you, I know, it's all different. But it's working for Sedona so that's what's important.
Before we leave we get to go to do an agility event. Monday it was about jumping up on a platform and then jumping off, duh, can you say, what's up with that, this is kids stuff? Sedona has been doing that as long as she could make it, I think she has springs in her back legs. Any way, they did this and then go to go through the very long tunnel. Treats are all part of this training, well, My Sedona, (did I mention how smart she is?) Jumps up on the platform and races through the very long tunnel but doesn't stop there, she turns around in the tunnel and goes the other way, and then as if that were not enough, she comes back to me at the end of the tunnel and I catch her. Ooh, how she loved that tunnel. Even though everyone laughed and her excitement and enthusiasm, Ms Kristie said we didn't want to condone that behavior and to not give her a treat. Well okay, what do you think I did? She was a good girl. I think she is meant for greatness.
I guess there are not a lot of exciting stories for her this week but it was fun and I'm glad we are doing it. Sedona was very tired so we won't be going 30 minutes early next week.
Btw, I asked about the hoo, that's only for daycare and she won't get one when she graduates (hey, I already had the right bandana on which to put it.) but they promised what she gets will be special. Hope you all enjoy. Pix next week.
Week Three-PupScouts 1/22/07
Hard to believe that three weeks have passed since we started this little adventure. We got there a little later this week (Lady Vols, you know) and most everyone was already there. Sedona started out brave and adventuresome, until Molly (her friend from last week) decided she was soooo excited to see her, she scared the water out of her (literally.) Once she recovered from that, (do they really?) she was ready to check out the play room. Already off leash, the big dogs surround her so she goes over to Ally (little girl who would rather play with Sedona than teach her mutt.) and gets the love and attention she feels she needs.
We do the usual routine of sitting there and watching them play, well watching the others and Sedona sniffing the perimeter of the room hoping nothing will see her. I sometimes think she thinks she is invisible.
Now it's time to start the routines, we go around to each dog, say their name, have them sit, and give them a treat. By golly, Sedona has got this sitting thing to an art. Anytime she thinks she can get a good treat, she's down. It's so funny to watch her. Sometimes she gets distracted because she is keeping one eye out for the bullies and one eye out for the treat but that little bottom stays glued to the floor (sit) until she gets the treat.
We do the same routine with down, all the dogs have improved so much. The family who have the two Labs, Jack and Bonnie, are so cute. The mother and father let the boys do everything and you can tell that Bonnie's master has done much more homework than Jack's. Bonnie is a beautiful brown lab and Bonnie was Sedona's friend this week. She would come over and sniff and Sedona would even act like she was going after her when she would leave and then, STOP, dead in her tracks when she thought about what she was doing. It was so funny to watch her last night. Jack is the brother to Bonnie and he is a black lab. He is rambunctious and much to misbehaved to be around Sedona, or so she thinks.
Sophie, the Corgie, was full of herself last night. She was going around nipping at everyone; she had to be placed in time out. They are such cute dogs, stout dogs.
Oh, we had to go out side in the cold again last night, I don't know if they will ever figure out that this has absolutely no appeal to Sedona. Why they make her do this is beyond her! To get outside, we do a "let's go" with treats and turn left, turn right and then turn in a circle, all with treats but these treats are different, they are roast beef, real roast beef and the teachers are the only ones with these special treats. The evening was done for Sedona doing anything that had to do with me because I had just regular treats, not the roast beef. Did I say my dog had taste or what! It was funny because she just really got stubborn and wouldn't do anything; at least this was close to the end of our session.
Time for agility! Last night was the tire swing. I guess there are dogs that are intimidated by things like this but nooooo, not the A student, Sedona. She jumped up over that thing like it was nothing but hey; it was okay because she got one of those roast beef treats. So now it's time to put the whole agility thing together, there's the platform (no problem here) then the really long tunnel in an S shape so that the dog cannot see the owner at the other end and then they go through the tire. So it's, platform, tunnel, and tire. I let the leash go (I'm supposed to do that), up on the platform, through the tunnel and through the tire and I'm still standing at the platform. I couldn't move fast enough. She's a STAR, I'm telling you, she is a STAR. She loved that. Everyone laughed and then it was a small matter of catching her, she went back over to the tunnel and wanted to go through it again.
Time to go, everyone is crazy and then OMG, OMG, OMG, the big bully, Misty, some wiry ugly. high breed, misbehaving pedigree is coming quickly toward Sedona. She had the paw up and of course the "owner", the kid who is more misbehaved than the dog, doesn't do anything, down that big paw comes on Sedona, you talking about a cry, one any parent never wants to hear, came out of Sedona and I just about died. I told the kid to get his dog and he said I can she won't come, I bent down to pick up Sedona and the damn dog, Misty almost bit me. The trainers were busy so I just picked Sedona up, we are supposed to leave them on leash and not pick them up, well phooey on that, this is MY BABY. Anyway no harm, except to the ego I guess. It was not pleasant and it was sure scary for a moment. Not to worry, Sedona is fine and ready to go on my trip with me.
This week we are to play hide & go seek. This is so elementary to Sedona, we have been doing this since she was a little tot. Next Monday is graduation I need lots of autographs, I'll be bringing around her autograph book so that she will get a prize. We asked if there would be caps and gowns, etc, the trainer said we would pass on those until next time. Next time? Not sure there will be a next time. I need to look for a "little" animal class. Anyone knows of one. I love this place, just wished there were more small ones to play with.
Sedona went to a friend's house, Duchess. Duchess is a poodle who is about 1 yr old. It took about an hour but they started playing and acting like dogs. Guess I'm an impatient mommy and I want her to be such a social animal. I don't want her to be afraid of anything. She's so cute, I love her to death. Btw, she will be four months old on 1/29 so you all will get updated pix next week.
I will be taking you on a journey with me during my retirement. Going from a stick house to an RV and will be on my way to who knows where. You will read fun, fear, confusion. You will see what I see. I am new to writing. Don't get discouraged by my grammar, my punctuation and my spelling, it's nothing but a "thang." God will be on my journey, I may not mention him all the time, but he is with me. I have the best family & friends in the world. Life is Good!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Work Travelling is OVER!
Well, Edison went live on 9/25 and besides a few glitches here and there and thousands of questions, it went well. The big question will come on 9/30 when it's time to approve payroll and see if all goes as well this coming week. It was not as bad as was originally thought. I am concerned that some of the features don't respond as they are supposed to. This weekend will give the Edison folks an opportunity to fix the glitches.
Time to get back to ME!
Went to see The Women with Cindy and Debbie. It was a fairly typical chickflick. I enjoyed all the characters and the clothes were beautiful. This is not a movie I would purchase for my DVD library but it was a good way to escape and hectic day. We ate at Rafferty's and then on to the movie. Great night out.
Yesterday, I went to Becky's to the pool. It was a beautiful day and it was nice to enjoy the fall sun rays. We were wondering if our "rays" would last until our cruise in 54 days. Probably not, but the thought would be a good one. The lemon drops were awesome. It would have been nice if we could have had a campfire around the pool.
Today I'm picking up all the clutter from the last six weeks of coming in and flopping. Houses sure get cluttered quickly.
Oh, in the midst of all the fun and frivolity, I purchased my very own McSpadden dulcimer. It's made out of black walnut and she is beautiful. She has a nice sound. Now if I could learn to relax while I play, I would be better off and the music could just come natural. I'll have a few songs perfected by Christmas with the family. Found the dulcimer on craigslist for a great price. 1st time trying to tune it, I broke on of the strings. I took it to work and one of the guys there helped me restring it so if it happens again, I'll know what to do.
I'm planning on a short trip in Somewhere soon. It has been at least 2 months since I have been anywhere close to her. Cindy started the engine up last weekend for me and said she purred like a kitten.
Sedona is home with me now. She is getting groomed tomorrow, she looks like a little skruffy homeless puppy. She will be two years old tomorrow and she has been such a blessing to me.
Time to get back to ME!
Went to see The Women with Cindy and Debbie. It was a fairly typical chickflick. I enjoyed all the characters and the clothes were beautiful. This is not a movie I would purchase for my DVD library but it was a good way to escape and hectic day. We ate at Rafferty's and then on to the movie. Great night out.
Yesterday, I went to Becky's to the pool. It was a beautiful day and it was nice to enjoy the fall sun rays. We were wondering if our "rays" would last until our cruise in 54 days. Probably not, but the thought would be a good one. The lemon drops were awesome. It would have been nice if we could have had a campfire around the pool.
Today I'm picking up all the clutter from the last six weeks of coming in and flopping. Houses sure get cluttered quickly.
Oh, in the midst of all the fun and frivolity, I purchased my very own McSpadden dulcimer. It's made out of black walnut and she is beautiful. She has a nice sound. Now if I could learn to relax while I play, I would be better off and the music could just come natural. I'll have a few songs perfected by Christmas with the family. Found the dulcimer on craigslist for a great price. 1st time trying to tune it, I broke on of the strings. I took it to work and one of the guys there helped me restring it so if it happens again, I'll know what to do.
I'm planning on a short trip in Somewhere soon. It has been at least 2 months since I have been anywhere close to her. Cindy started the engine up last weekend for me and said she purred like a kitten.
Sedona is home with me now. She is getting groomed tomorrow, she looks like a little skruffy homeless puppy. She will be two years old tomorrow and she has been such a blessing to me.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Almost over!
Man o man, what an interesting week. Travel/training is almost over and on 9/25 we will find out if the training on the new Edison program was successful. Like I always say, you can give the learner the information, what she/he chooses to do with it is up to her/him. Thursday will be the day which everyone will be able to enter their own time and managers can begin approving on 9/30. Time will tell.
Tuesday, 9/16, was an interesting time. It was the first day 38,000 employees could access the system, change their passwords and check out their personal information. OMG, didn't think it would slow down that much. I can only imagine what will happen on Thursday of this next week.
It has been so good to be involved in this huge change in state government but I would really like to have been able to take the buyout and be gone. I would like to be changing my front yard, often.
Speaking of that. If this darn stock market doesn't quit doing it's up & down, I'll never be able to afford to retire. If I am broke or can't sell my condo by June, I'll keep working until I can. Sure couldn't afford to retire and keep my condo. I'll take it one day at a time.
The gas is going crazy in Nashville. All the stations are running out of gas and the ones that have gas have cars lined up for five blocks or more. Seems we are the only place in TN having difficulty getting gasoline. Wouldn't you know it.
Somewhere hasn't been moved in a while so it's just as well since gas has been hard to find. It's not so much that the gas is high, $3.69 gal, it's that there is none. Hopefully next weekend I'll be able to go up to Clarksville and check her out and maybe move her a little.
Tuesday on my way back from my last out of town training in Memphis I will pick up Sedona. Yipppeee. Gosh it seems like she has been gone forever. I hope she remembers me and isn't spoiled too bad. I sure miss the little one.
Speaking of little one, my friend Sandra who lost her furbaby has found a new baby. Maggie is a 1 lb 14 oz full yorkie. Haven't seen her yet so it will be fun to take Sedona over to visit with little Miss Maggie.
Only 62 more days until my 8 day cruise to the Southern Caribbean. I will be so ready to get on the ship and relax.
Tennessee Vols are playing the Fl Gators and getting stomped. I think most of the team (QB) forgot to show up. It is half-time and the score is 27-0, Gators. UGH, I sure hate the way the Vols are playing this year. Well, I'll be darned, we just scored so it's 27-6. OOPS, the refs are looking at the play, will they call it back? The Vols may not have a TD. I'll let you know. NOPE, not a TD yet and the VOLS don't do well when they are that close to the goal line and the whistle blows, end of the 3rd quarter. GOT IT! GIVE HIM 6!, no make that 6! Yuck!
I'm trying to sell a few things on Craigslist so I can get my townhome "staged" for sale the first of the year. I need to declutter. Since I am beginning to wind down from working so much overtime, I'm beginning to think of all the things I need to do before I can put my townhome on the market.
Tuesday, 9/16, was an interesting time. It was the first day 38,000 employees could access the system, change their passwords and check out their personal information. OMG, didn't think it would slow down that much. I can only imagine what will happen on Thursday of this next week.
It has been so good to be involved in this huge change in state government but I would really like to have been able to take the buyout and be gone. I would like to be changing my front yard, often.
Speaking of that. If this darn stock market doesn't quit doing it's up & down, I'll never be able to afford to retire. If I am broke or can't sell my condo by June, I'll keep working until I can. Sure couldn't afford to retire and keep my condo. I'll take it one day at a time.
The gas is going crazy in Nashville. All the stations are running out of gas and the ones that have gas have cars lined up for five blocks or more. Seems we are the only place in TN having difficulty getting gasoline. Wouldn't you know it.
Somewhere hasn't been moved in a while so it's just as well since gas has been hard to find. It's not so much that the gas is high, $3.69 gal, it's that there is none. Hopefully next weekend I'll be able to go up to Clarksville and check her out and maybe move her a little.
Tuesday on my way back from my last out of town training in Memphis I will pick up Sedona. Yipppeee. Gosh it seems like she has been gone forever. I hope she remembers me and isn't spoiled too bad. I sure miss the little one.
Speaking of little one, my friend Sandra who lost her furbaby has found a new baby. Maggie is a 1 lb 14 oz full yorkie. Haven't seen her yet so it will be fun to take Sedona over to visit with little Miss Maggie.
Only 62 more days until my 8 day cruise to the Southern Caribbean. I will be so ready to get on the ship and relax.
Tennessee Vols are playing the Fl Gators and getting stomped. I think most of the team (QB) forgot to show up. It is half-time and the score is 27-0, Gators. UGH, I sure hate the way the Vols are playing this year. Well, I'll be darned, we just scored so it's 27-6. OOPS, the refs are looking at the play, will they call it back? The Vols may not have a TD. I'll let you know. NOPE, not a TD yet and the VOLS don't do well when they are that close to the goal line and the whistle blows, end of the 3rd quarter. GOT IT! GIVE HIM 6!, no make that 6! Yuck!
I'm trying to sell a few things on Craigslist so I can get my townhome "staged" for sale the first of the year. I need to declutter. Since I am beginning to wind down from working so much overtime, I'm beginning to think of all the things I need to do before I can put my townhome on the market.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Checking in
Hi everyone, just thought I would drop in for a few minutes to let you know what's been going on with me since my last post.
For the past few weeks I've been travelling the great state of Tennessee to train my employees on the new enterprise system, Edison, which is going to go live the pay period of 9/16/08. I went to Jackson and taught 3 classes there. In Nashville, I taught 3 classes and on to Morristown for two classes. And I just completed 8 classes this past week in Crossville. This week I'm home but teaching all week in Nashville and then will head west next week for the remaining classes. All in all I will have taught the same class 16 times, saying the same thing over and over and setting up 10 laptop computers in each of the locations.
I do get tired and sometimes I can't remember what I have said to what class and of course, I have to stay positive and up for all classes. It's okay because I do believe in the system. The only thing I hate is there a lot of our veteran employees who have never had to use a computer and never wanted to. Some don't even know what a mouse is so It's going to be a giant leap for some of those employees. I sure hope they will be okay.
I miss Sedona like crazy. Theda is taking great care of her. I just hope she doesn't forget me. I thought about going down to get her this week but then the gas prices & lack of gas would have run me short for the week. I have to go down that direction next week so I'll just have to wait to get her home then. I sure miss her.
Talked to my friend Sandra this week and she lost her little furbaby, Hailey. She is at the rainbow bridge now having fun with other furbabies who have passed on. Sandra is shopping for another Yorkie. Hope she finds one soon because I know that she will be very lonesome without another one. Good luck, Sandra.
Becky came by yesterday after the funeral of her friend, Merlin. She said it was a very inspirational funeral and there were lots of famous people there who he had represented in the music business. She was very strong and they had a very special professional relationship. I know she will miss him. Thoughts are with you, Becky.
Jonathan's ankle is healing nicely so he should be back to normal before long. News flash! He has come into the DSL world. He has had dial up for lo these many years and now he has a Verizon connection and he absolutely loves it. Taylor does too. I can't wait to do it either. I'll probably switch to Verizon when I get back from all my work travels and settle down somewhat.
Talked to Roy while I was out of town and he now has his flight to FT Lauderdale for the cruise in November. He is all set. Four of us have flights on Thurs to get down there but not to get back! lol Should be interesting. Hope Southwest has a DING soon to get us back. David is leaving out of Atlanta. Sandra and Melissa are going to fly Delta. Gosh, we are all getting down there different ways but we will hit the cruise ship and depart at the same time. It's only 68 days until the cruise and I'll sure be ready for it.
SOMEWHERE! Where is she and how is she doing? I haven't a clue. I miss spending time in here and travelling to different places. I hope she will start when I get back up to see her. I hope the mice haven't invaded her. I hope I haven't forgotten how to drive her. I hope her batteries are operational when I get there. OMG, so many things to think about.
I did take a few minutes to read the womenrv forum last night. There was a mention about a fall TN gtg. I hope that comes through. I would like to see the gals again, it's been a while and I need the shot in the arm to gather and talk about what we all love, RVing. I sure don't want to lose sight of what & why I want to do this.
Hurricane Ike came ashore and some of the ladies were in the area and had to evacuate but they are all okay. Thinking of you Beth and Karen. Hope you all are safe. We are getting winds today from Ike and I sure hope we get some of the rain, we are in dire need of a good steady soaking rain.
Oh, stayed at a really nice Howard Johnson in Spring City, TN. It's brand new and it was lucious. It was better than good considering we stayed at a HOJO in Jackson that was a DOG, uck. Never again will I stay there.
Stopped by the SpringLakeRVResort in Crossville to see how the upgrades were coming along. Man, those sites they built along the water are too cool. I'll have to go back up there and stay. Many improvements.
For the past few weeks I've been travelling the great state of Tennessee to train my employees on the new enterprise system, Edison, which is going to go live the pay period of 9/16/08. I went to Jackson and taught 3 classes there. In Nashville, I taught 3 classes and on to Morristown for two classes. And I just completed 8 classes this past week in Crossville. This week I'm home but teaching all week in Nashville and then will head west next week for the remaining classes. All in all I will have taught the same class 16 times, saying the same thing over and over and setting up 10 laptop computers in each of the locations.
I do get tired and sometimes I can't remember what I have said to what class and of course, I have to stay positive and up for all classes. It's okay because I do believe in the system. The only thing I hate is there a lot of our veteran employees who have never had to use a computer and never wanted to. Some don't even know what a mouse is so It's going to be a giant leap for some of those employees. I sure hope they will be okay.
I miss Sedona like crazy. Theda is taking great care of her. I just hope she doesn't forget me. I thought about going down to get her this week but then the gas prices & lack of gas would have run me short for the week. I have to go down that direction next week so I'll just have to wait to get her home then. I sure miss her.
Talked to my friend Sandra this week and she lost her little furbaby, Hailey. She is at the rainbow bridge now having fun with other furbabies who have passed on. Sandra is shopping for another Yorkie. Hope she finds one soon because I know that she will be very lonesome without another one. Good luck, Sandra.
Becky came by yesterday after the funeral of her friend, Merlin. She said it was a very inspirational funeral and there were lots of famous people there who he had represented in the music business. She was very strong and they had a very special professional relationship. I know she will miss him. Thoughts are with you, Becky.
Jonathan's ankle is healing nicely so he should be back to normal before long. News flash! He has come into the DSL world. He has had dial up for lo these many years and now he has a Verizon connection and he absolutely loves it. Taylor does too. I can't wait to do it either. I'll probably switch to Verizon when I get back from all my work travels and settle down somewhat.
Talked to Roy while I was out of town and he now has his flight to FT Lauderdale for the cruise in November. He is all set. Four of us have flights on Thurs to get down there but not to get back! lol Should be interesting. Hope Southwest has a DING soon to get us back. David is leaving out of Atlanta. Sandra and Melissa are going to fly Delta. Gosh, we are all getting down there different ways but we will hit the cruise ship and depart at the same time. It's only 68 days until the cruise and I'll sure be ready for it.
SOMEWHERE! Where is she and how is she doing? I haven't a clue. I miss spending time in here and travelling to different places. I hope she will start when I get back up to see her. I hope the mice haven't invaded her. I hope I haven't forgotten how to drive her. I hope her batteries are operational when I get there. OMG, so many things to think about.
I did take a few minutes to read the womenrv forum last night. There was a mention about a fall TN gtg. I hope that comes through. I would like to see the gals again, it's been a while and I need the shot in the arm to gather and talk about what we all love, RVing. I sure don't want to lose sight of what & why I want to do this.
Hurricane Ike came ashore and some of the ladies were in the area and had to evacuate but they are all okay. Thinking of you Beth and Karen. Hope you all are safe. We are getting winds today from Ike and I sure hope we get some of the rain, we are in dire need of a good steady soaking rain.
Oh, stayed at a really nice Howard Johnson in Spring City, TN. It's brand new and it was lucious. It was better than good considering we stayed at a HOJO in Jackson that was a DOG, uck. Never again will I stay there.
Stopped by the SpringLakeRVResort in Crossville to see how the upgrades were coming along. Man, those sites they built along the water are too cool. I'll have to go back up there and stay. Many improvements.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Labor Day Weekend at Parksville Lake
She Lives!
Hi all, just wanted to stop in and let you know about my wonderful weekend at the lake. As you know I've been working long hours and have been on the road so much that I haven't checked in for a while but here I am.
Parksville Lake is located in Southeast TN in Polk County TN. You may know it better or can locate it better by calling it the Ocoee Lake. My BIL, Doug and sister Shirley have a cabin on the lake that you can only get to by boat. Before a telephone was on the property the only way you could notify someone at the cabin to pick you up in the boat was to pull over at a special spot on HWY 64 and blow your car horn. But alas, a phone was installed and you can call for a pick up but the thing about that is you have to be in a special place to get a signal to call over. Miss the Dam and you have missed the boat! LOL

The cabin is a big one room cabin with sheets up to separate the bedrooms. There is a kitchen and a bathroom. The water is pumped from the lake so you can't drink the water. When the dishes are done, you have to add clorox bleach to the water to make sure all the "bugs" are gone. If you take a shower, it's lake water. So I figure I might as well take soap and shampoo to the swim area and bathe that way. The water is always pretty cool so you don't get so hot taking a hot shower. No air conditioning in this cabin.
There is a basement and a nice ping pong table downstairs which proves to be quite competitive at times. Of course there is a big fire ring outside to enable us to have a fire for SMORES.
We usually have all the kids and their kids and now its their kids down which means as many as about 55. This year there were only about 25 down for our cookout of hamburgers and hotdogs on Saturday. Jonathan and Taylor (ds and dgd) came up from South GA for the weekend. It had been since Christmas since I had seen them so I was sure excited for them to be there.

Guess you could say this is like a family reunion we have every year. We had gotten away from our gtg at the lake until 2002, the year my Mama died. We have been following the tradition of getting together since that July 30 day. It is a blessing to have such a loving family. Everyone looks forward to going to "the lake." Next year, I won't have to be in such a hurry to leave and get back to work.

Lots of water skiing and tubing goes on. At least among the youngsters. Since I hurt my shoulder I can't do the water sports anymore but it's good to watch memories being make for everyone else.
This year, Jerry & Dana, had found a trail to hike, Boulder trail, close to the Olympic site of the whitewater rapids. On Saturday, several of the "kids" decided to go see the water falls and hike the trail. We had told everyone to be careful of black bears as they had been known to be in the area. You may remember a story from a couple of years ago where a black bear had attacked & killed a kid. This is the same general vicinity. Anyway off they went and when they returned everyone talked about how beautiful it was and it wasn't a hard trek.

Sunday they wanted to go again and Wanda and I decided we would go along. We hiked up the boulders for a short distance and then went to the smooth trail and finished going up that way. They were right, it was just beautiful. We had hiked for a while and I decided I wanted to stop and "smell the roses" and soak in the water. I sat in the water and then hung out on a big rock. Jonathan came back to where I was and chilled with me. There were some beautiful wild flowers. I don't know what they were but they were quite lovely.

Now I thought I had done quite well and had stopped by choice. My great nephew Jacob came to me and said he was happy that I had come and "even though you didn't make it to the top" I'm proud you are here." WHAT???? Had I known it was going to be a challenge, by golly, I would have gone all the way to the top. I could have, you know. LOL
Anyway, Wanda and I went back to the car and waited on the others to come down. They were coming down the boulders. Wanda had told Heath to look after Taylor but of course being boy, he ran off and left her so Jonathan go on the boulders to help her out. As he jumped off one boulder to tell the others good bye, crack, crunch, oh. Yep, there went his ankle. He climbed out and hobbled on down to the car. He said, "well, Mom, I turned my ankle." I didn't think much of it and we all piled into the car. No ones cell phone would get out so we drove over to the pull off place and did it the old way. Blow the horn and wait until someone comes down to wave you on, which they did.
When Jonathan got out of the car, he couldn't walk. I realized at that time he was hurt worse than I thought. I told him I would take him to the hospital. He didn't have his wallet, insurance card, etc. We waited until Doug went over to the other side of the lake to get Jonathan's wallet and bring it back. Then we went to the hospital in Bradley county.
I called David, my other nephew, who lives in Cleveland and got directions as to where the hosptial was. We checked in about 3:30 p.m. OMG, you would not believe how many people were in that emergency room. I got a wheelchair so Jonathan could get out of the car and get from one location to another in the hosptial.
Oh, I'm still in my bathing suit and coverup. It's cold in the hosptial.
It was fun sitting in the hosptial because we were sitting in front of the door and the only way you could get out of the door was to push a button. People would walk up to it and stand there, just waiting for the door to open. Oh, it was funny to watch but writing about it, is not too funny. Trust me, people watching was very entertaining.
They took x-rays and then it was time to see the DR. who turned out to be a PA. Now, I don't want to discount PAs, I'm sure they do well but this guy didn't even look at Jonathan's ankle. He didn't even know x-rays had been taken. We told them the x-rays had been taken, he left, came back in about 2 min and said it wasn't broken but he couldn't be sure until the swelling went down.
By this time it was about 9 p.m. and too late to get back across the lake, plus Jonathan could not have made it up the hill on crutches anyway. David invited us to stay at his house for the night. We did. Don't think that his DW, Jan, appreciated unexpected company that night but it sure was nice to have a place to go other than a hotel room. Thanks to David and Jan for opening up their beautiful new home. A REAL shower was certainly refreshing.
Taylor had to be the responsible one and get us packed up and loaded our things in the boat. Jonathan and Taylor had a 7 hour trip in the car. It was Jonathan's right ankle. By the time he got home, his ankle was swollen to a basketball size. It didn't go down through the night either, next day it was still swollen but he was able to go to his DR and sure enough, it was not broken. Very bad sprain. It will take about 4 weeks of recovery and his DR took him off the crutches. Jonathan learned he has an extra bone in his ankle which is developing bone spurs! What? He is too young for bone spurs, aren't those for "old" people? DR said don't worry about it until it starts giving him problems. Seems like my family has extra parts all through their body. Might as well be Jonathan too. Wonder what Taylor will end up with? I had an extra rib but it's gone. LOL
When I got back to Nashville I talked to Ann who had stayed for the weekend in the area where I was and while they were out on Saturday exploring they saw a big black bear run across in front of their van. So he was out there close to the trail.
It was just so nice to get away just to relax after three weeks of travelling and staying in yucky hotel rooms. I have about three more weeks of teaching until I can get back and settle down. The worse part about all this is Sedona is not here. When I come home it's so empty. She is with Theda while I'm travelling so much. It's best for her but I sure miss her being around.
I'll check back you you all a little later, hope things are going well with my readers. Oh what about that Sarah Pelin? I'd say impressive!
Hi all, just wanted to stop in and let you know about my wonderful weekend at the lake. As you know I've been working long hours and have been on the road so much that I haven't checked in for a while but here I am.
Parksville Lake is located in Southeast TN in Polk County TN. You may know it better or can locate it better by calling it the Ocoee Lake. My BIL, Doug and sister Shirley have a cabin on the lake that you can only get to by boat. Before a telephone was on the property the only way you could notify someone at the cabin to pick you up in the boat was to pull over at a special spot on HWY 64 and blow your car horn. But alas, a phone was installed and you can call for a pick up but the thing about that is you have to be in a special place to get a signal to call over. Miss the Dam and you have missed the boat! LOL
The cabin is a big one room cabin with sheets up to separate the bedrooms. There is a kitchen and a bathroom. The water is pumped from the lake so you can't drink the water. When the dishes are done, you have to add clorox bleach to the water to make sure all the "bugs" are gone. If you take a shower, it's lake water. So I figure I might as well take soap and shampoo to the swim area and bathe that way. The water is always pretty cool so you don't get so hot taking a hot shower. No air conditioning in this cabin.
There is a basement and a nice ping pong table downstairs which proves to be quite competitive at times. Of course there is a big fire ring outside to enable us to have a fire for SMORES.
We usually have all the kids and their kids and now its their kids down which means as many as about 55. This year there were only about 25 down for our cookout of hamburgers and hotdogs on Saturday. Jonathan and Taylor (ds and dgd) came up from South GA for the weekend. It had been since Christmas since I had seen them so I was sure excited for them to be there.
Guess you could say this is like a family reunion we have every year. We had gotten away from our gtg at the lake until 2002, the year my Mama died. We have been following the tradition of getting together since that July 30 day. It is a blessing to have such a loving family. Everyone looks forward to going to "the lake." Next year, I won't have to be in such a hurry to leave and get back to work.
Lots of water skiing and tubing goes on. At least among the youngsters. Since I hurt my shoulder I can't do the water sports anymore but it's good to watch memories being make for everyone else.
This year, Jerry & Dana, had found a trail to hike, Boulder trail, close to the Olympic site of the whitewater rapids. On Saturday, several of the "kids" decided to go see the water falls and hike the trail. We had told everyone to be careful of black bears as they had been known to be in the area. You may remember a story from a couple of years ago where a black bear had attacked & killed a kid. This is the same general vicinity. Anyway off they went and when they returned everyone talked about how beautiful it was and it wasn't a hard trek.
Sunday they wanted to go again and Wanda and I decided we would go along. We hiked up the boulders for a short distance and then went to the smooth trail and finished going up that way. They were right, it was just beautiful. We had hiked for a while and I decided I wanted to stop and "smell the roses" and soak in the water. I sat in the water and then hung out on a big rock. Jonathan came back to where I was and chilled with me. There were some beautiful wild flowers. I don't know what they were but they were quite lovely.
Now I thought I had done quite well and had stopped by choice. My great nephew Jacob came to me and said he was happy that I had come and "even though you didn't make it to the top" I'm proud you are here." WHAT???? Had I known it was going to be a challenge, by golly, I would have gone all the way to the top. I could have, you know. LOL
Anyway, Wanda and I went back to the car and waited on the others to come down. They were coming down the boulders. Wanda had told Heath to look after Taylor but of course being boy, he ran off and left her so Jonathan go on the boulders to help her out. As he jumped off one boulder to tell the others good bye, crack, crunch, oh. Yep, there went his ankle. He climbed out and hobbled on down to the car. He said, "well, Mom, I turned my ankle." I didn't think much of it and we all piled into the car. No ones cell phone would get out so we drove over to the pull off place and did it the old way. Blow the horn and wait until someone comes down to wave you on, which they did.
When Jonathan got out of the car, he couldn't walk. I realized at that time he was hurt worse than I thought. I told him I would take him to the hospital. He didn't have his wallet, insurance card, etc. We waited until Doug went over to the other side of the lake to get Jonathan's wallet and bring it back. Then we went to the hospital in Bradley county.
I called David, my other nephew, who lives in Cleveland and got directions as to where the hosptial was. We checked in about 3:30 p.m. OMG, you would not believe how many people were in that emergency room. I got a wheelchair so Jonathan could get out of the car and get from one location to another in the hosptial.
Oh, I'm still in my bathing suit and coverup. It's cold in the hosptial.
It was fun sitting in the hosptial because we were sitting in front of the door and the only way you could get out of the door was to push a button. People would walk up to it and stand there, just waiting for the door to open. Oh, it was funny to watch but writing about it, is not too funny. Trust me, people watching was very entertaining.
They took x-rays and then it was time to see the DR. who turned out to be a PA. Now, I don't want to discount PAs, I'm sure they do well but this guy didn't even look at Jonathan's ankle. He didn't even know x-rays had been taken. We told them the x-rays had been taken, he left, came back in about 2 min and said it wasn't broken but he couldn't be sure until the swelling went down.
By this time it was about 9 p.m. and too late to get back across the lake, plus Jonathan could not have made it up the hill on crutches anyway. David invited us to stay at his house for the night. We did. Don't think that his DW, Jan, appreciated unexpected company that night but it sure was nice to have a place to go other than a hotel room. Thanks to David and Jan for opening up their beautiful new home. A REAL shower was certainly refreshing.
Taylor had to be the responsible one and get us packed up and loaded our things in the boat. Jonathan and Taylor had a 7 hour trip in the car. It was Jonathan's right ankle. By the time he got home, his ankle was swollen to a basketball size. It didn't go down through the night either, next day it was still swollen but he was able to go to his DR and sure enough, it was not broken. Very bad sprain. It will take about 4 weeks of recovery and his DR took him off the crutches. Jonathan learned he has an extra bone in his ankle which is developing bone spurs! What? He is too young for bone spurs, aren't those for "old" people? DR said don't worry about it until it starts giving him problems. Seems like my family has extra parts all through their body. Might as well be Jonathan too. Wonder what Taylor will end up with? I had an extra rib but it's gone. LOL
When I got back to Nashville I talked to Ann who had stayed for the weekend in the area where I was and while they were out on Saturday exploring they saw a big black bear run across in front of their van. So he was out there close to the trail.
It was just so nice to get away just to relax after three weeks of travelling and staying in yucky hotel rooms. I have about three more weeks of teaching until I can get back and settle down. The worse part about all this is Sedona is not here. When I come home it's so empty. She is with Theda while I'm travelling so much. It's best for her but I sure miss her being around.
I'll check back you you all a little later, hope things are going well with my readers. Oh what about that Sarah Pelin? I'd say impressive!
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